But they’re still looking into the possibility that the screen caps (which showed Tunsil asking for money from an Ole Miss staffer) might have been doctored.
That text conversation that was published on Laremy Tunsil’s Instagram on draft night? Turns out it was real. So says a recent ESPN report claiming Ole Miss officials have confirmed the conversation between the former Ole Miss offensive tackle and Rebel assistant athletics director John Miller did in fact occur.
That doesn’t necessarily mean, however, that the screen shots should be taken at face value—ESPN also claims that Ole Miss officials are looking into the possibility that the conversation was altered in some form before being maliciously broadcast to the public.
In other words, Ole Miss admits there was some sort of text conversation between Tunsil and Miller, but have left open the possibility that the details of said conversation were faked.
Minutes after Tunsil was selected by the Miami Dolphins with the 13th overall pick of the draft, a still-anonymous someone sent out two screen caps that showed Tunsil asking Miller for money to pay his utility bill. When asked during a post-draft press conference whether the conversation was real and whether he had indeed accepted money from his Ole Miss coaches, Tunsil replied in the affirmative (though it’s been questioned whether that was an authentic admission).
Here are the screen caps we’re talking about: