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Jimbo Fisher refuses to comment regarding coaching rumors
November 16, 2017
8:46 pm
College BattleGround
Forum Posts: 1680
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With multiple high-profile jobs beginning to come open across the country, it was only a matter of time before Jimbo Fisher was going to be forced to comment on the interest other programs have reportedly shown in the Florida State head coach.

Reports broke last week that Texas A&M has an interest in Fisher should the Aggies fire Kevin Sumlin after this season, which they reportedly are. This week, reports have emerged that Tennessee, which just fired Butch Jones, is also interested in Fisher. Auburn, which may be replacing head coach Gus Malzahn, would also very likely be interested in Fisher.

On Thursday, Fisher was asked about the possibility of these other jobs ahead of Saturday’s matchup with Delaware State.

On the matter, Fisher said, “I’m never going to speak about personnel. I’m never going to speak about jobs.”

When prompted again, his answer remained exactly the same.

Fisher’s non-answer is nothing new. He has been quick to dismiss the discussion of other jobs in the past.

Still, with a new coach-friendly buyout in hand, Fisher’s refusal to outright deny interest may not be instilling confidence in fans and the administration in Tallahassee.

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