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Thoughts in Brief: Clemson
October 8, 2017
6:46 pm
College BattleGround
Forum Posts: 1680
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March 9, 2016
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  • I don’t know if Kendall Hinton should start, but it’s irritatingly enough of a question that I’m not sure. Hinton was 14/30 for 204 yards and two touchdowns, with no picks and 92 yards rushing including a nice 37 yard scramble. It was a pretty darn good performance against quite probably the best defense we’ll play all season.
  • Speaking of defense, our defense had a rather admirable showing. After back to back touchdowns to start the game, Clemson didn’t score again until the third quarter. If our offense had been able to keep up, this game could have been very interesting. The defense was pretty darn stout, and we were +2 in turnover margin, which is always nice to see.
  • I really hope Kelly Bryant isn’t too badly hurt. I never like to see anyone go down, especially not a player as fun to watch as Kelly Bryant,
  • I feel for Mike Weaver. Shame they couldn’t review that field goal attempt. That is absolutely something that should be reviewable.
  • I don’t want to put all of our scoring woes on the offense. Some off it is honestly the fact that Clemson’s defense is just that good. None of our receivers could get any space all day, and the Clemson front 7 is as nasty as any in the nation. Some people might say Greg Dortch disappeared, but seriously, the guy was covered all day ass well as anyone could possibly be covered.
  • I still have faith we can make a bowl. I think we CAN beat anyone left on our schedule, with Duke and Syracuse being the most likely opportunities to pick it up. But I wouldn’t even call Georgia Tech a prohibitive favorite next week. A favorite, absolutely, but not a prohibitive one.
  • I’m glad our bye week is now. It will give our defense a chance to prepare for the option attack of Georgia Tech, and hopefully some of our banged up players will get a chance to get healthy and ready to go. I’m almost looking at this bye week as a soft reset of the season, and I hope our team does too. The first half of the season was pretty much everything that could be expected, so let’s see if, for a change of pace, we can finish out the season strong as opposed to limping our way home.
  • People might think both of our touchdowns were inconsequential because they were against the reserves of Clemson, but honestly, the reserves of Clemson are going to be as good as a lot of the first stringers on other teams. We’ll see what happens, but I’m certainly not writing off the season by any means.

Did I miss anything? Talk to me in the comment section. Hopefully next week will be back to your regularly scheduled 4U4D programming.. On to the next. Go Deacs.


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